Friday, February 15, 2013

As long as you are not resisting

So what if there is chaos in the bleachers of the basketball finals and knives are pulled 

out. The police are nowhere to be seen. As long as you are not resisting in the streets.So 

what if random immigrants are attacked with knives in the streets. The police are 

nowhere to be seen, and so are the perpetrators. As long as you are not resisting in the 

streets.So what if people are killed in the train tracks chased by cops. Justice is nowhere to be seen. As long as you are not resisting in the streets.

So what if young armed anarchists are brutally beaten and their pictures publicized, demonstrating what their civilization is today. Justice is nowhere to be seen. As long as you are not resisting.
That is all that matters to them, nothing else. As long as you are not resisting.

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